Monday, December 31, 2012


This blog is my project for 2013. I will be reading all 300 issues of the Cerebus comic during the calendar year. That means that I have 365 days to polish off every issue. I won't be reviewing the individual issues as much as I will be giving a brief overview of the plot and kind of giving a commentary on the book. This will include the controversial views of the author that eventually surface towards the second half of the series.

Cerebus was an independent comic that started publication in 1977. The book started as a fairly simple parody of the swords and sorcery genre but fairly quickly grew into a much grander project. The creator Dave Sim announced that it was his goal to produce 300 issues of the book and in 2004 the series concluded with issue 300 being released.

Cerebus is a fairly deep series. There are a lot of characters, a very complex plot and just a lot of moving parts in general. It can be a challenge to remember all of the politics and minor characters that appear and reappear as the series progresses.

I have never read all 300 issues of Cerebus. I read about the first 170 issues in the early 2000s but tailed off for a few years and never got back to it. I decided recently that I was going to need to start over from issue 1 to really remember all the details of the issues I had previously read.

So enjoy the blog over the next year.