Thursday, February 28, 2013

Cerebus #58

Cerebus meets with the leader of the Church. He tries to warn Cerebus to stop Weisshaupt and then is killed for his beliefs in front of Cerebus. Cerebus is stunned by this event as the book ends.

There's an interesting character development in this book as Cerebus seems to be into sex now. Up until last issue, Cerebus had been portrayed as an almost entirely asexual character. He usually acted like people were foolish when they brought it up. But even though he hates Sophia for the most part, he asks her more than once in this issue if she wants to have sex. An extra vice gets added to the Cerebus table here.

The head of the Church being executed wasn't a huge surprise. It seems that position isn't one of longevity now. I do wonder if Cerebus will take his words to heart and start working against Weisshaupt. I didn't think Cerebus as lackey would last long.

Until next time!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Cerebus #57

Cerebus wakes up to find that he's in bed with Red Sophia. Cerebus freaks out and Weisshaupt enters the room. It's revealed that Cerebus and Red Sophia are married. Weisshaupt tells Cerebus his plans. Cerebus is going to become the Prime Minister of Iest again and denounce his old ways. Then he's going to write romance novels to counter the Cirin literature out there. The issue ends with Cerebus meeting Red Sophia's mother.

The reaction of Cerebus to his marriage to Sophia was really good in this issue. I have to admit though, I don't like Weisshaupt at all but I think that's probably a normal reaction.

Things are moving forward at a more rapid rate now. It seems we've quickly transitioned from Cerebus trying to live a quiet life to him being thrust back into the limelight again.

It's going to be interesting to see how Cerebus reacts to being someone's lackey. I don't see that lasting very long or going over very well for long. Ii think  Cerebus will find a way to exert himself against Weisshaupt as this progresses.

Until next time!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Cerebus #56

Charles X Claremont returns in this issue and he manipulates Cerebus into ruining his relationship with the Countess. He convinces Cerebus to give the Countess an ultimatum and that goes over very poorly. The issue ends with Cerebus departing for good.

Poor Cerebus, he just had to screw things up when they were stable.  It was kind of sad to see Cerebus having an almost human moment in this issue and getting manipulated by another character. I think he was almost finding happiness as this issue dawned.

This issue closes this character of the story and we're going to start getting into the bigger and badder parts of this storyline starting with the next issue.

Until next time!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Cerebus #55

The Wolveroach rampages a bit this issue and has a run in with the cops. He prepares for his last stand as the issue comes to a close. Cerebus and the Countess argue a bit and she asks about the girl Cerebus was staying with. Cerebus reveals that her name was Michelle. There might be a connection there but I'm not sure. The Countess didn't seem very surprised.

This wasn't a bad issue but I have to admit, I'm ready for this plotline to start going somewhere. Nothing is boring but nothing has really moved forward in the last 3 or 4 issues. It's been a lot of conversing and Cerebus writing his book. I imagine we'll see something happen next issue now that the Wolveroach went off the deep end.

Until next time!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Cerebus #54

The Countess gives Cerebus a rundown of her history with the Roach. This mostly consists of her nursing him back to health between his various personas. Weishaupt makes his return to the book and reveals that he's finally formed the United Feldwar States/ He offers Cerebus back his job as Prime Minister but  Cerebus declines. Weishaupt also describes the function of the Wolveroach. He's going to keep the governments of the Feldwar States in line by murdering people that get too ambitious.

It seems we have our new direction as the political climate in the region is rapidly changing. Weishaupt seems to have all of his ducks in a row and rather quickly. The real question is, will Cerebus be going along for the ride or will he stick to his guns and stay out of government. Well... we all know he's going to get sucked into this somehow. There wouldn't be a story otherwise.

It was interesting to see the Roach licking his wounds between personas in this issue. It pulled back the curtain on him a bit and somehow revealed an even more disturbed mind than the one we thought we knew. The Countess also seems to only be out for amusing herself by any means necessary.

Until next time!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Cerebus #53

Cerebus arrives at the house of the Countess in this issue. He continues to write his memoirs while getting to know the Countess a little better. She's a mostly mysterious character and their conversations tend to be cryptic at times. At the end of the issue the Wolveroach arrives and passes out as the issue comes to an end. Cerebus is of course not amused.

This issue is priming the reader to delve into the religions of the Cirinist and Kevillist. The  Countess is inbetween both religions and Ii imagine Sim is going to explore those religions a bit through her eyes and overall confusion.

This was mostly a slow issue. The Countess tends to weave around the questions that Cerebus asks. Though she did except his help in getting out of paying her taxes. Cerebus' book is pretty funny when you get to see what he writes from time to time.

I have slightly better recollections of where Church and State eventually goes as a story but these early parts are mostly a mystery to me. I'm enjoying the issues a lot at this point.

Until next time!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Cerebus #52

This issue is three short stories. The first sees Cerebus starting to write his memoirs in a bar while a rowdy barbarian tells a story. The barbarian knocks a mug of ale over on Cerebus notes and a brawl follows. The second story is a brief crossover with Elfquest characters.

The third story is the most important. Cerebus runs into Lord Silverspoon while again attempting to write his memoirs. He plays a game of Priestess with the group and loses. He also comments that he hates cute card games. Silverspoon and his group later return and mention that some woman is willing to put them up in her mansion only if Cerebus comes. Cerebus convinces Silverspoon to give him all of his money and then ditches the party to go on his own.

This was a pretty subdued issue. The stuff with Silverspoon kicks off the giant Church and State storyline as the woman he's going to see will take him down the road of that storyline.

Cerebus writing his memoirs was pretty funny as most of it was about not listening to anyone and how fun it was to fire your staff. He also gives the profound advice to not fart in front of your butler because theyll spill soup on you.

This issue will be it for more simple one shot stories for a long time. Church and State is going to run from this issue until issue 111. Buckle up because we're in for a very long ride on this arc.

Until next time!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Cerebus #51

This is a transitional issue after Cerebus leaves Iest. Cerebus finds himself on a boat with Lord Julius, Elrod and several other politicians. They've all become outlaws now that the church is back together. Actually, I think Julius and Elrod are just heading back to Palnu. Cerebus is annoyed by the antics around him and people keep falling on him to boot. Poor guy, he just can't catch a break this issue.

If you're reading the phonebooks, this is in a smaller book called Cerebus #0. It collects various filler tales from this issue to some in the early 100s. I think it's a fairly cheap book to obtain.

This book was back to the funny of the earlier stories. Cerebus was a little more angry than he had been the previous few issues. This is a good example of Cerebus standing around and being annoyed by the antics of everyone around him.

This was a fun little follow up to High Society. It pushes the Cerebus journey forward a little bit but also takes a step back and tells a funny little one shot story to get the reader prepped for the next arc which is Church and State.

Church and State is a huge storyline. It takes place from issue 52 and goes all the way to issue 111. It takes up two full phonebooks in that format. It is a very ambitious story and I remember enjoying it quite a bit. So join me next time as we start that storyline.

Until next time!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Cerebus #50

The church reforms and unites and Cerebus is abandoned by all in his party. All he has left is Astoria and the Conniptin army. Cerebus walks out on Astoria and bids farewell to the Regency Elf in a touching scene. Cerebus checks his bag and finds the Albatross statue and smashes it. The book ends with the fake Po being imprisoned by the church and being one of the only men to stick by the political ideals that had been spouted for most of this storyline.

The scene with the Regency Elf was a pretty touching scene. She kind of came and went as the story progressed but at the end, you saw that she was really the only friend that Cerebus had in the whole story. Cerebus also shows a very rare moment of emotion as he cries at having to leave her behind.

Cerebus, I think, also shows that he's done playing as a power broker in the area when he smashes the Albatross statue at the end of everything. He could've become the new head of the church but I think he's content to just be a simple barbarian again.

With this issue, High Society concludes. In my opinion, this was the apex of the Cerebus series. Just an absolutely brilliant story from start to end. It's hard to imagine how a barbarian satire about an aardvark could suddenly churn out a 24 part political story. But it happened. and it was great. The next storyline is even bigger than this one. It's a really good story too but I don't like it quite as much as High Society. Opinions seem to vary from person to person on which story was better it seems. But High Society and the upcoming storyline are definitely the high point of the Cerebus book.

50 issues down and 250 to go as we've finished the second phonebook in the Cerebus series.

Until next time!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Cerebus #49

Cerebus and Astoria plan to flee the city as the invasion gets closer. At the last moment, Cerebus decides he wants to face the invaders alone. Cerebus charges towards the army and it ends up being the Conniptins that he lead for a brief time earlier in the series. They break into their chant and Cerebus laughs and heads back into his mansion. Astoria and the commander are confused as the issue comes to a close.

A surprise ending to this issue. I had expected Cerebus and Astoria to flee as the issue came to a close. But instead, the Conniptins invaded Iest just to see if it was the real Cerebus that was the Prime Minister. They could've just sent a messenger and asked in my opinion.

There was some nice art in this issue. Cerebus was drunk early on and the art in the panels slowly shifted from sideways to upside down. It was a fun little experiment that really communicated Cerebus' sense of disorientation.

Really good issue here. We're almost to the end of High Society. I believe the next issue will be the conclusion to this very long arc.

Until next time!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Cerebus #48

Jaka returns in this issue and makes a final plea for Cerebus to join her. She tells Cerebus she loves him and doesn't want him to end up dead. She also tells him that they've written him off as prime minister. Past that, all of Cerebus' battle plans have failed to this point. His armies have been defeated at every turn and his mercenary army abandons him after finding the Red Marches to be empty.

The Cerebus/Jaka part wasn't as powerful as the last time as they meant but it wasn't meant to be. Cerebus wasn't really going to entertain leaving this time and Jaka knew it. The last meeting was more touching because Cerebus knew he should leave deep down but was too proud to admit it. This time it feels like he is in total denial over his situation as the Prime Minister.

Cerebus again shows some great moments of politcal savvy in this issue. He gets a group of dissenters under control by threatening to have their leader fight on the front. It was a really clever moment from Cerebus and it did take care of some of his opposition. But, none of it matters. Every move he makes ends up backfiring on him in some way shape or form. His mercenary band was the only good fighting force he had and they've abandoned him due to lack of funding. 

I feel like at some point, reality has to set in with Cerebus and he needs to flee the city. Jaka gave him an out this issue and he just wasn't ready to accept the truth. I think he'll wish he had accepted her offer very soon.

Until next time!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Cerebus #47

It all falls in on Cerebus in this issue. The money he looted from the last issue was devalued to 1/100th of it's previous rate. He lost the war on one front and now he also has a new invading army taking over some of the outskirt towns. The Roach has also been going around complicating matters by attacking the enemies of Cerebus.

This looks to be about it for Cerebus. He has no money and now he's losing territory at an alarming rate. You can also see it with how Cerebus is acting. By the end of the issue he was just asking people what he needed to sign. He may have a trick or two up his sleeve but I think even he's starting to realize that his days are numbered as PM.

Until next time!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Cerebus #46

Julius gives Cerebus some directions on invasions. Cerebus starts a new war and this time he successfully finds almost 4 million crowns. For now, Cerebus seems to be out of trouble. Cerebus also finds out that if he finds the albatross that he can control both churches.

This was a good issue. Very deep into the politics of the world right now. Again, this was an issue that isn't for everyone. You need to have bought into the world of Cerebus now to really like this issue. Cerebus has found some small amount of success but the as the next issue says, he's fighting a two front war. Things are about to fall in on Cerebus, it's just a matter of time now.

Until next time!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Cerebus #45

Cerebus starts wheeling and dealing and plans to pay for it by invading Lower Felda. Unfortunately for Cerebus, the country was broke. Now he finds his administration to have no money and he appears to be in a hole he can't dig himself out of.

Things fell apart on Cerebus in record time here. Just as a side note. We're 19 issues into the High Society arc and I believe there's only 5 issues left until we start the next storyline. I could be wrong on that point though. If you're interested in checking this out you can also purchase the individual issues of this storyline on Comixology for 99 cents. It's worth it.

I was musing today why Cerebus was picked for the final vote today. My conclusion was that he had one honest moment in issue 44 he was honest with Storm'send. He told him why he had everyone on staff that he did and why he really wanted to be the PM. I don't think Storm'send liked his answers but I think a politician actually being honest about being a scumbag was better than nothing. So Cerebus became the PM. That's my theory anyways.

Until next time!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Cerebus #44

The election comes to an end and one "man" stands the victor...


Cerebus goes up into the mountains to get the final vote and ends up punching the guy out after making his decision. Astoria and the Roach get locked in a shed and get drunk on moonshine. Cerebus and co. stop at a hotel and Cerebus finds out that he won.

This was a really good issue. It was told sideways in the comic. Very good visual issue. The sight gag with Cerebus coming back to punch the guy out is probably my favorite moment from the entire series. The election was wrapped up really nicely. Cerebus is no the PM of Iest and he has to deal with the issues of the day. It will be interesting to see where this goes moving forward. Things always fall apart for Cerebus, which is important to keep in mind for this storyline.

Until next time!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Cerebus #43

The votes get counted up. Cerebus and Julius prepare to clash after the winner is announced. Lord Julius has a secret weapon which is setting his son on fire and using him as the Human Torch. The votes are tallied and we're stuck with a 50-50 draw as the issue comes to a close.

I liked the swerve at the end of the issue. Sim was really pushing you to believing you were getting a resolution to the election and gracefully pulled the rug out from under you. So we're left with some big questions now. Where's the missing vote? How are they going to get that vote? Is Cerebus actually going to win? This issue was really effective on a second go through. I've read this story correctly but it built the suspense so well in this issue that I actually had to question if I remembered the results of the election correctly. I was amazed that it suckered me in for a second time.

I place High Society as a must read book for any comic lover. It just shows the potential of what a comic book can do in the hands of a truly great writer. This story arc still remains one of the best comic stories I've ever read.

Until next time!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Cerebus #42

The election continues. Deals are being made and Cerebus is gaining seats as things come to the end.

There was a lot of exposition in this issue. This was very inside the world of Cerebus. I didn't mind it but I could see a lot of readers disliking this issue because it was very stuck on the politics of Iest. It's only been a few issues but I believe I'm ready to see the election resolve and see the story move forward again. I'm enjoying this a lot though.

Until next time!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Cerebus #41

Cerebus secures enough seats to become Prime Minister only to have Lord Julius change the rules on him at the last second. Cerebus now needs to find more seats to secure the office. Cerebus also finds out that Astoria was looking for that duck statue the McGrew's got when he was faking his own abduction.

There wasn't a lot to this issue. Julius produced a paper to spread propaganda against Cerebus and they considered publishing a counter paper. Cerebus also spent the long rides between the districts playing cards with some of the guys. Teresa also made her return and started putting the moves on one of the McGrews.

Until next time!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Cerebus #40

The campaign kicks off in this issue. Cerebus needs to win 57 votes to defeat Lord Julius' goat and become the next prime minister of Iest. Cerebus starts making the rounds and making campaign speeches.

This is where the storyline really starts to take off. There's a funny part where their carriage loses a wheel and they make the Moon Roach carry that side of the carriage as they progress. I also haven't talked about the art in awhile. It's really good in this issue. The facial expressions of Cerebus in general are really good in this issue. He has a much more calm and regal look to him. He's also brought on the McGrews as bodyguards so we get their awesomeness every issue now.

Until next time!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Cerebus #39

In this issue Cerebus meets Mr. Blakely. They talk about him being a potential candidate for Prime Minster of Iest. During their conversations Lord Julius, the Moon Roach, the McDrews, Elrod and the Regency Elf all make an appearance. After all is said and done Blakely decides to recommend Cerebus for the spot of Prime Minister.

This was a really amusing issue as Blakely was continually confused by what was doing on around him and Cerebus was claim and collected the whole time. I liked when the McGrew's were fighting with the Moon Roach. He pulled off his disguise to reveal himself and the McGrews thought he was gay. During the fight one of them yelled for help because he thought the Roach was about to kiss him.

We also learn that Elrod won the Ranking Diplomat position but that was a given after last issue. Now we're off to see Cerebus' campaign for Prime Minister.

Until next time!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Cerebus #38

This time out we deal mostly with some political panels and it quickly becomes obvious that Cerebus is not going to retain his position as the ranking diplomat. Cerebus decides to challenge Elrod to a fight but Astoria stops him. She explains that this isn't about him keeping his job, it's about him forming a new party to run for prime minister. Cerebus resists at first but Astoria convinces him with the various perks the PM enjoys.

These issues have developed a real flow at this point. When I originally read the Phonebook to High Society, I bet I didn't exactly know when one issue ended and another began. The issues just kind of flow from one to the next now. The story has slowed down a great deal but it's very enjoyable as a longer arc. You're really starting to see everyone's wheeling and dealing in this issue. Astoria's plan is finally revealed in full and it's a little more grand than you would think. And most importantly, the humor has remained in the book the entire time. 12 issues into High Society and I find it to be just as enjoyable as the first time I read it.

Until next time!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Cerebus #37

This issue has the start of the convention. Cerebus ends up drawing pictures for a bunch of delegates and appears to be a big hit. Bran McMuffin also shows up and suggests that Cerebus should consider becoming Prime Minister. There's also further strife between Astoria and Cerebus.

This was a really great issue. Again, I was shocked when the issue came to an end because the story was just that good. Cerebus kind of embraces being an artist and even comments that Elrod probably does a terrible tree. It was interesting to see him be annoyed at the delegates at first but kind of settles into entertaining them as time progresses.

Next issue we should find out if Cerebus gets to keep his job or not.

Until next time!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Cerebus #36

Jaka returns in this issue. Cerebus reveals that he remembers when he was in love with her now. You see a very different side of Cerebus in this issue as he shows genuine concern for the well being of Jaka. She spent her life's savings on an antique and leaves it with Cerebus. Cerebus opens the package to reveal his old sword.

This was a pretty emotional issue as Jaka and Cerebus has out their history with each other. Cerebus puts on a proud face but at the final moment you see his true feelings for Jaka. It's a sad moment as they part yet again and you feel that Cerebus' pride cost him the woman that he can't quite admit that he loves. This issue really shows how Cerebus has kind of lost his way in the political realm.

This was a really great issue. The final page came and I was absolutely shocked that I had read an entire issue. Out of the 36 Cerebus issues I've read so far, this was easily the best issue to date. It was powerful and emotional. There was a panel where they're both silent and looking away from each other and it was just an awesome scene to look at. I think the book has hit it's creative peak with this issue. I am extremely excited to read the next issue now.

Until next time!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Cerebus #35

This issue deals with the political movings of Astoria and her general ambitions for Cerebus in the world of Iest's politics. Lord Julius shows up during dinner and talks with Cerebus before heading off. The name of the game right now is keeping Cerebus as the ranking diplomat and not Elrod.

There's a little character moment with Astoria here. Lord Julius pops up as a waiter while Astoria is discussing him. Cerebus questions this and Julius says that Astoria would never notice a waiter. That really sums up the Astoria character in a single sentence. That's one of the things that make these early issues of Cerebus so good. Sim can build a character so easily and explain a character's base concept so easily. I think this issue also shows, that for as clever as Astoria thinks she is, she's still not playing on the same level as Lord Julius.

I've said it before on this blog and I'll repeat it here. Lord Julius is the smartest character in this book. There's no question to that. He proves that he's always a step or two ahead of every other character in any given situation. He's never at a loss and he never really loses. That's a key fact to keep in mind throughout this series.

Until next time!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Cerebus #34

Cerebus tries his hardest to stay out of trouble with Elrod, the Roach and Bran McMuffin lurking around the area. This issue reveals that Elrod is a very popular figure in Iest. Past that, Astoria is up to something but the book hasn't quite revealed what she's up to yet. The issue ends with Cerebus being invited to one of Lord Julius' parties. Elrod is going to be named the next ranking diplomat to Iest.

The stuff with Elrod and the Roach were pretty funny. Cerebus desperately trying to stay out of trouble was a good premise for this issue as well. Past that, the book has really slowed down and 20 pages at a time can see not a lot happen like in this issue. It's interesting every time out. I don't really have a lot to comment on this issue. It was good but a little uneventful.

Until next time!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Cerebus #33

The Moon Roach goes off half cocked and kills someone he shouldn't. Meanwhile the Regency Elf taunts Cerebus in here anger. Cerebus and Astoria argue a lot in this issue before she leaves for the legislature. Elrod arrives in typical Elrod fashion as the issue comes to a close.

This was a Moon Roach centric issue for the most part. You get his reaction to finding Astoria and Cerebus in a bit of an awkward situation and then you get a long winded monologue from the Roach before he kills some random people. The Roach continues to be a huge bright spot in the series as he always brings the funny. This issue also had the added bonus of the Regency Elf advertising that Cerebus pees in the sink. Cerebus protested a little too much about his ability to use a toilet if you ask me.

The storytelling in the series has really changed over the last 7 issues. Things have really started going at a slower pace. Sim seems to be comfortable just taking his time to tell this story instead of the quicker 2-3 issue arcs that came before this. He's really exploring this story in a way that you don't see a lot of comic creators do. There's still a lot left to High Society but each issue just makes the story more interesting and a little better.

My memories are a little fuzzy of what happens throughout these issues but I've really been enjoying reading through these issues again. I've been doing this for about a month now and I've really gotten into a flow of reading these issues. It's been really fun to revisit the Cerebus world like this.

Until next time!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Cerebus #32

Astoria arrives in Cerebus' room and helps him escape his debt with Iest. Astoria tells Cerebus that she plans to make him a very rich aardvark. Astoria goes to work but it's kept as a bit of a secret what exactly she's doing. It is revealed that the Moon Roach is assassinating members of the government at Astoria's command during one of her conversations with Cerebus. A mysterious package arrives and the Inquisition arrives looking for drug. Astoria quickly destroys the drugs and the Inquisition leaves. A now high Astoria puts the moves on Cerebus when the Moon Roach arrives to find them together.

A really good issue here. This issue is where things really start to develop for this story arc. Astoria is going to be the big pusher of Cerebus during the High Society story. She eventually becomes his campaign manager as he eyes public office. This issue also shows that Cerebus has a lot to learn about the political world of Iest and Palnu.

Until next time!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Cerebus #31

Cerebus meets Astoria after the Moon Roach killed Hadden. This issue features a lot of ranting and raving from Cerebus as the Roach's actions have gotten him into even more trouble with the local government. Cerebus decides he needs more money as the Elf laughs at his puffy afro from being in the rain.

I gave me views on how awesome the Moon Roach was yesterday. You get some of his origin here and some inner monologue which was all good. You also meet Astoria who is a huge deal throughout the rest of this story. She becomes one of the prime movers as this story starts to unfold. Pretty humble beginnings for her in this issue.

This was a strong issue. It pushed the story forward in every way imaginable. Cerebus' situation is getting worse with each issue that passes now and his back is pretty much against the wall.

Until next time!