Sunday, February 3, 2013

Cerebus #33

The Moon Roach goes off half cocked and kills someone he shouldn't. Meanwhile the Regency Elf taunts Cerebus in here anger. Cerebus and Astoria argue a lot in this issue before she leaves for the legislature. Elrod arrives in typical Elrod fashion as the issue comes to a close.

This was a Moon Roach centric issue for the most part. You get his reaction to finding Astoria and Cerebus in a bit of an awkward situation and then you get a long winded monologue from the Roach before he kills some random people. The Roach continues to be a huge bright spot in the series as he always brings the funny. This issue also had the added bonus of the Regency Elf advertising that Cerebus pees in the sink. Cerebus protested a little too much about his ability to use a toilet if you ask me.

The storytelling in the series has really changed over the last 7 issues. Things have really started going at a slower pace. Sim seems to be comfortable just taking his time to tell this story instead of the quicker 2-3 issue arcs that came before this. He's really exploring this story in a way that you don't see a lot of comic creators do. There's still a lot left to High Society but each issue just makes the story more interesting and a little better.

My memories are a little fuzzy of what happens throughout these issues but I've really been enjoying reading through these issues again. I've been doing this for about a month now and I've really gotten into a flow of reading these issues. It's been really fun to revisit the Cerebus world like this.

Until next time!

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