Thursday, February 14, 2013

Cerebus #44

The election comes to an end and one "man" stands the victor...


Cerebus goes up into the mountains to get the final vote and ends up punching the guy out after making his decision. Astoria and the Roach get locked in a shed and get drunk on moonshine. Cerebus and co. stop at a hotel and Cerebus finds out that he won.

This was a really good issue. It was told sideways in the comic. Very good visual issue. The sight gag with Cerebus coming back to punch the guy out is probably my favorite moment from the entire series. The election was wrapped up really nicely. Cerebus is no the PM of Iest and he has to deal with the issues of the day. It will be interesting to see where this goes moving forward. Things always fall apart for Cerebus, which is important to keep in mind for this storyline.

Until next time!

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