Saturday, February 2, 2013

Cerebus #32

Astoria arrives in Cerebus' room and helps him escape his debt with Iest. Astoria tells Cerebus that she plans to make him a very rich aardvark. Astoria goes to work but it's kept as a bit of a secret what exactly she's doing. It is revealed that the Moon Roach is assassinating members of the government at Astoria's command during one of her conversations with Cerebus. A mysterious package arrives and the Inquisition arrives looking for drug. Astoria quickly destroys the drugs and the Inquisition leaves. A now high Astoria puts the moves on Cerebus when the Moon Roach arrives to find them together.

A really good issue here. This issue is where things really start to develop for this story arc. Astoria is going to be the big pusher of Cerebus during the High Society story. She eventually becomes his campaign manager as he eyes public office. This issue also shows that Cerebus has a lot to learn about the political world of Iest and Palnu.

Until next time!

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