Thursday, February 21, 2013

Cerebus #51

This is a transitional issue after Cerebus leaves Iest. Cerebus finds himself on a boat with Lord Julius, Elrod and several other politicians. They've all become outlaws now that the church is back together. Actually, I think Julius and Elrod are just heading back to Palnu. Cerebus is annoyed by the antics around him and people keep falling on him to boot. Poor guy, he just can't catch a break this issue.

If you're reading the phonebooks, this is in a smaller book called Cerebus #0. It collects various filler tales from this issue to some in the early 100s. I think it's a fairly cheap book to obtain.

This book was back to the funny of the earlier stories. Cerebus was a little more angry than he had been the previous few issues. This is a good example of Cerebus standing around and being annoyed by the antics of everyone around him.

This was a fun little follow up to High Society. It pushes the Cerebus journey forward a little bit but also takes a step back and tells a funny little one shot story to get the reader prepped for the next arc which is Church and State.

Church and State is a huge storyline. It takes place from issue 52 and goes all the way to issue 111. It takes up two full phonebooks in that format. It is a very ambitious story and I remember enjoying it quite a bit. So join me next time as we start that storyline.

Until next time!

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