Saturday, February 9, 2013

Cerebus #39

In this issue Cerebus meets Mr. Blakely. They talk about him being a potential candidate for Prime Minster of Iest. During their conversations Lord Julius, the Moon Roach, the McDrews, Elrod and the Regency Elf all make an appearance. After all is said and done Blakely decides to recommend Cerebus for the spot of Prime Minister.

This was a really amusing issue as Blakely was continually confused by what was doing on around him and Cerebus was claim and collected the whole time. I liked when the McGrew's were fighting with the Moon Roach. He pulled off his disguise to reveal himself and the McGrews thought he was gay. During the fight one of them yelled for help because he thought the Roach was about to kiss him.

We also learn that Elrod won the Ranking Diplomat position but that was a given after last issue. Now we're off to see Cerebus' campaign for Prime Minister.

Until next time!

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