Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Cerebus #57

Cerebus wakes up to find that he's in bed with Red Sophia. Cerebus freaks out and Weisshaupt enters the room. It's revealed that Cerebus and Red Sophia are married. Weisshaupt tells Cerebus his plans. Cerebus is going to become the Prime Minister of Iest again and denounce his old ways. Then he's going to write romance novels to counter the Cirin literature out there. The issue ends with Cerebus meeting Red Sophia's mother.

The reaction of Cerebus to his marriage to Sophia was really good in this issue. I have to admit though, I don't like Weisshaupt at all but I think that's probably a normal reaction.

Things are moving forward at a more rapid rate now. It seems we've quickly transitioned from Cerebus trying to live a quiet life to him being thrust back into the limelight again.

It's going to be interesting to see how Cerebus reacts to being someone's lackey. I don't see that lasting very long or going over very well for long. Ii think  Cerebus will find a way to exert himself against Weisshaupt as this progresses.

Until next time!

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