Monday, February 18, 2013

Cerebus #48

Jaka returns in this issue and makes a final plea for Cerebus to join her. She tells Cerebus she loves him and doesn't want him to end up dead. She also tells him that they've written him off as prime minister. Past that, all of Cerebus' battle plans have failed to this point. His armies have been defeated at every turn and his mercenary army abandons him after finding the Red Marches to be empty.

The Cerebus/Jaka part wasn't as powerful as the last time as they meant but it wasn't meant to be. Cerebus wasn't really going to entertain leaving this time and Jaka knew it. The last meeting was more touching because Cerebus knew he should leave deep down but was too proud to admit it. This time it feels like he is in total denial over his situation as the Prime Minister.

Cerebus again shows some great moments of politcal savvy in this issue. He gets a group of dissenters under control by threatening to have their leader fight on the front. It was a really clever moment from Cerebus and it did take care of some of his opposition. But, none of it matters. Every move he makes ends up backfiring on him in some way shape or form. His mercenary band was the only good fighting force he had and they've abandoned him due to lack of funding. 

I feel like at some point, reality has to set in with Cerebus and he needs to flee the city. Jaka gave him an out this issue and he just wasn't ready to accept the truth. I think he'll wish he had accepted her offer very soon.

Until next time!

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