Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Cerebus #1

This debut issue is your standard Conan the Barbarian type of story. Cerebus is hired to steal a jewel from a wizard and the rest of the story is Cerebus thwarting the various traps of the wizard. Cerebus kills the wizard and gets the jewel and gets paid before revealing that the jewel was a fake. A very humble beginning to what later becomes one of the best independent comics ever released.

This was a very basic issue. A typical Dungeons and Dragons dungeon crawl would look and sound a lot like this. Cerebus has some personality though. You can see that he refers to himself in the third person a lot. It helps to establish that Cerebus is completely self absorbed. That's what is the key to the character as the series progresses. His existence is about Cerebus.

There wasn't a lot here. I don't think Sim had any sort of grand plan for this. I think he was mostly interested in telling some funny Conan type stories. The first 20 issues or so will be like this and then the deeper storytelling will start to show up from there. My commentary on the issues will grow as the stories do.

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