Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Cerebus #21

Cerebus wakes up in Beduin and finds the Cockroach and Elrod playing Captain America and Bucky to the people. Cerebus meets the new President and learns of his lot to gain wealth and power. Cerebus gets drunk on whine and then has to deal with an assassin attacking Elrod, the Roach and himself. Cerebus slips in and out of drunk before finally knocking himself out with a rock to end the issue.

I enjoyed this issue but I really don't have much of an opinion on it. The Captain America satire was really well done and fairly clever. The way he was tricked into making himself super strong was really funny and probably something only Dave Sim would have thrown into the book.

This issue introduces President Weisshaupt who shows up a couple of times through the first 100 issues or so. I barely remember him from my original reading so I doubt he plays a huge role in future events.

Until next time!

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