Sunday, January 13, 2013

Cerebus #13

This time Cerebus gets stuck between the battles of a priest of Tarim and a dark wizard. The wizard has grand plans of destroying the universe. When Cerebus asks if he thinks that's rather drastic the wizard responds to think of it as suicide on a grander scale. The wizard is killed and his mind inhabits a golem that looks suspiciously like the Thing. The Thing golem proceeds to kill the priest and the villagers as Cerebus escapes and declares everyone in this part of the world to be insane.

This was a little more of a subtle than some of the previous issues. It relied on one liners and the general ridiculous nature of the villagers and the wizard himself. Cerebus played the straight man the entire issue as he would interject a logical question or comment into the situation and would throw off the other characters. At one point he asked the wizard what he was going to do when he brought the golem to life and the wizard had no idea. He says he doesn't know what it will actually do if brought to life.

I've mentioned that on this blog a few times in the past but I think it does bear repeating. I think the humor in Cerebus is best when he's standing around being annoyed by the supporting cast around him. Cerebus often does funny things but I think he ultimately works best as a straight man. This issue is a perfect example of my theory.

This issue seemed to be closing down the last 7 or 8 issue arc. It closes the door on the gold the Roach had been hording and Cerebus seems like he's moving on to what he considers a more sane part of the world. I may also be remembering incorrectly but I think this is almost the end of this as a barbarian satire and it starts to quickly develop into the series that produces the High Society and Church and State arcs.

Until next time!

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