Thursday, January 3, 2013

Cerebus #3

This time out, Cerebus is hired by the wizard Henrot to defend the honor of his daughter Red Sophia. Red Sophia is quite annoying and most of the issue is Cerebus being tortured by her never shutting up and just being annoying in general.

What I like about Cerebus in the early issues are the side characters. They're all a little wacky and they all drive Cerebus insane. Some of my favorite moments from the series are Cerebus standing around and just not understanding the insanity of the other characters around him or just being annoyed at their stupidity.

Red Sophia pops up from time to time throughout the series as a sort of non-love interest. Namely, she's interested in Cerebus and Cerebus has no interest in her whatsoever. She's usually a fun character to see pop up but she's not one of my favorites.

This was the best of the 3 issues. The humor was pretty strong in here and Cerebus seemed to have some stronger characterization through his annoyance at Red Sophia. This issue is a good showing of Cerebus' general disdain for anyone of the non-Cerebus species.

Join me next time as Elrod the Albino makes his way into the world of Cerebus!

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