Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Cerebus #9

Cerebus leads his new army to Imesh and does battle with it's king K'Cor. Cerebus suffers yet another setback to his plans for wealth as K'Cor reveals he poisoned all the wells around Imesh and Cerebus' men are dead. The duel with K'Cor was pretty cool and Cerebus was on the brink of defeat due to the fatigue he was suffering from.

We're back to more standard barbarian fare for Cerebus but the stories are also working more like a longer arc. Each issue picks up essentially where the last one left off even if the story branches off into a completely road as the issue progresses. I like this setup better as it gives a greater sense of continuity in the series. You can ditch the last issue in the first two pages but it just gives you a sense of a greater story.

K'Cor's rant and plans turning out to be a battle plan to defend against an invasion from Venus was great. He was speaking in a logical manner and just goes off the deep end when people from Venus show up. That was a nice touch.

There was a lot of dialogue to this issue. There was also a lot of action as well. This was similar to issue 2 but this time the narration was much better. It flowed better and added to the story. This time it discussed the strategy of Cerebus instead of just announcing his action. Sims really seemed to learn and improve upon what he did with the narration from the early issues. This was a really fun and solid issue.

Until next time!

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