Thursday, January 31, 2013

Cerebus #30

Cerebus meets with the Prime Minister of Iest and finds out that he can cancel his debt with one of the companies in the area. Cerebus meets with Mr. Hadden and gets him really drunk and then gets him to agree to cancel the debt. Cerebus and Hadden are arguing when Hadden is crushed to death by the newly arrived MOON ROACH!

Cerebus tries his hand at political speak in this issue and does quite well with it. Cerebus pouring Hadden a half bottle of whiskey was pretty humorous. Overall, not a lot happened in this issue. It served to show Cerebus slowly creeping deeper into the world of politics and continuing to adapt to his surroundings in a pretty quick fashion.

The Roach has taken on yet another persona. I would say the Moon Roach is probably the most well remembered of his personalities. His weapon of choice in this persona is to drop giant rocks on evildoers. He of course, ruined Cerebus' plans here. Not like that's anything new for the Moon Roach though. He will quickly become one of the brightest spots in the High Society story.

Until next time!

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