Sunday, January 27, 2013

Cerebus #26

Cerebus arrives at the Regency Hotel with his gold. He's in a foul mood and looking for a time but once the staff figure out who he is, they give him a room free of charge. Cerebus is besieged by businessmen while he eats. They pay for his time and he finally corners one and finds out that they are interested in him due to his connections to Lord Julius. Cerebus heads out into the night but still can't find anyone willing to fight him. Cerebus finally decides to throw a bag of flour into a bar full of thugs. Local police swarm the bar and Cerebus is thwarted yet again. Cerebus disappointed wanders off into the night.

I had mentioned previously that Cerebus considers life to be about gold and ale. Later on, Weisshaupt had challenged his ideas on life by saying he lacked creativity. If you had power, you could get as much gold as you wanted with barely any effort. In this issue, Cerebus is getting his first taste of influence and power. He doesn't like it at the moment but he made a ton of money with no effort.

You can see the shift in storytelling here. Cerebus is still the same character and the same sense of humor is there. But the barbarian elements are completely gone now. This storyline lasts for a really long time. I think 25-30 issues. It is in my opinion, one of the greatest comic stories ever to be written. The first time I read the phonebook to High Society, I literally could not put this book down until I finished it. I am really excited to climb back into this story.

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