Friday, January 18, 2013

Cerebus #17

This issue picks up about 3 weeks after Cerebus has left Palnu. He falls in with some guys with German accents. They have a plan to conquer Palnu and Cerebus decides to join up with them. Cerebus takes out one of Lord Julius' top generals in amusing fashion. The issue ends with Julius learning of the new barbarian invasion.

This book had some funny moments in it but this was ultimately a set up issue for the next arc of the Cerebus story. I was actually surprised when the story came to an end. it didn't feel like I had read 20 pages at all.

I wanted to use this entry to discuss why I decided to read all 300 issues of Cerebus in a calendar year. In March of last year my wife's uncle died suddenly. He was only in his early 50s and he was in god health. I didn't know him well but it was still a shock. My wife and I came away from his funeral vowing to cherish life more and to seize the day.

I have a huge list of comics, novels and other things I want to do with my free time. And honestly, that list hasn't really seen much get checked off the past couple of years. As the year moved on, I really wanted to start checking some things off that huge to do list. I listened to a few episodes of Comic Geek Speak that covered the early phonebooks.

Well, it reminded me that I wanted to read the entire Cerebus series. I decided to go the blog route to try and keep myself on a more consistent reading schedule. It's still really early in the year but I've done a good job to this point with keeping up with this blog. I think I have a really good chance of knocking off all 300 issues this year.

Until next time!

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