Monday, January 21, 2013

Cerebus #20

This issue introduces the Cirinists and Suenteus Po to the Cerebus universe. The Cirinst religion will prove to be a sort of antagonist to Cerebus in the future. This issue was pretty experimental. Cerebus is in kind of a dark void and going between talking to the Cirinist and Po. He eventually plays both sides and gets them to duke it out in the streets.

This was a bit of a weird issue but it was a enjoyable read. Seeing Cerebus manipulate those around him is really an enjoyable sight to see. I actually had forgotten about how manipulative he could be at times.

Both religious groups are important throughout the first 200 issues of Cerebus. The Cirinists become very important as Jaka's Story unfolds later in the series. Po is also important and makes sparse appearances through the first 2/3 of the Cerebus story.

Things have kind of gone off track from the previous couple of issues but this was a fun little change of pace. My guess is the barbarian problem will hang around until the High Society storyline starts up. But I could be wrong. That could get revisited in the next 5 issues.

20 issues down, 280 to go.

Until next time!

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