Sunday, January 20, 2013

Cerebus #19

This issue deals with Cerebus trying to sell the jewelry he obtained in the last issue. Gorce is also building an army to defend Palnu against the barbarian threat, and to also overthrow the reign of Lord Julius. Cerebus is asked to retrieve the twin of a gold owl which takes him to the basement of an inn. He has to get past a clone of Red Sophia and runs into Henrot. Henrot explains he made a new Sophia to keep him company but things didn't work out so well. Henrot makes a gold owl for Cerebus and he's on his way. The issue ends with Cerebus getting drugged and passing out.

This issue seemed jammed pack with plot and events. Things continue to build as both sides are trying to build an army for a war that may or may not happen.

The arrival of Cerebus in Palnu really seems like that was the death of the barbarian satire in the book. The Palnu arc has essentially been about 6 issues so far. There's still been Cerebus fighting monsters but the book has been far more political.

I really liked this issue. A lot happened throughout the issue and it's building to an interesting place. The conversation with Henrot was also really funny. I liked when he was talking about improving on Sophia and Cerebus said "you wanted them to hang to her knees...".

We're nearing the end of what would be the Cerebus phonebook. There's 6 issues left to this volume before High Society begins.

Until next time!

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