Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Cerebus #28

Cerebus is back in the Seventh Sphere with Suenteus Po this issue. They talk about a variety of subjects before Cerebus talks about taking over the Church of Tarim. This was mostly an experimental issue as there was mostly text with some illustrations to the side.

I don't really have much to say about this one. It was a lot of Po talking about the various religions of the region and Cerebus deciding that he could use those to his advantage in the future.

Cerebus disappeared at the end which has meant he woke up the last time. So next issue should be back to dealing with the McGrew Brothers. I was really disappointed with this issue as I wanted to see the outcome to the cliffhanger to issue 27 and got this instead. It wasn't terrible or boring, just not what I was expecting.

Until next time!

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