Saturday, January 5, 2013

Cerebus #5

This time Cerebus encounters the Pigt tribe of people. He later discovers that they ate a religious cult that worships a statue of an aardvark that looks just like Cerebus. Cerebus smashes the idol and makes his escape as the issue comes to a close.

This issue introduces Bran Mac Muffin who will play a role in the storylines of High Society and Church and State. In this issue, Cerebus takes him for a crazy man when he talks about the Pigt people.

You can see something deeper lurking under the surface with this issue. You get some hints of where Cerebus came from and the fact that he might not be as unique as he thought he was. I don't know when Dave Sim decided to move from the funny barbarian stories to something deeper but this issue seems like he was dipping his toe in the water a bit.

With issues 4 and 5 you can tell that Sim was starting to find his footing with the series. The art is much more polished than it was in the first couple of issues. Cerebus also seems like a very developed character 5 issues in and the book has developed a definite humor style rather quickly.

I haven't read or heard much Dave Sim commentary on Cerebus outside of a few interviews on CGS so I'm not sure exactly when he decided he wanted to do a much more complex story with the series. As I mentioned earlier, you can kind of see the book starting to divert from the funny barbarian stories from the first couple of issues. I think we'll continue to see that trend as the next 15 issues progress.

Until next time!

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