Thursday, January 17, 2013

Cerebus #16

The Festival of Petunias is underway and Cerebus has his hands full keeping Lord Julius alive. This time, they follow the leader of the assassins through a tunnel of caves. The man reveals himself to be Julius' Social Secretary and starts a monologue. Unfortunately, Cerebus hits him with a rock and he falls to his death. Cerebus decides to move on from Palnu. The issue ends with Cerebus riding off and Julius trying to stop him after receiving a letter from Jaka.

This was a good end to the Lord Julius arc. The way Cerebus dispatches with the bad guy after 3 issues was unexpected and pretty funny. There's also a side story with one of the thieves from Cerebus #6 stealing a diamond and getting stuck in the secret passage with Cerebus and Julius.

The last 4 issues have been really good. Sim has a very good sense of humor and it comes through well in most of his books. The political satire also seems to fit his style of humor a little better. This arc is also where you see the Cerebus concept really grow up.

It's funny, I meant to take notes on how Cerebus developed over the early issues. I kind of got into the flow of the story and realized during this story arc that Cerebus was pretty well fleshed out by this point. The series came into it's own a lot quicker than I remembered from my first read through.

Until next time!

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