Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Cerebus #8

Cerebus is suffering from a wound caused by his battle with the spider in the previous issue. He is captured by a group of barbarians called the Conniptins. Cerebus becomes the center of their political aspirations as they want to use him as a leader to regain the glory of the Conniptin people. The issue ends with Cerebus deciding to play along with their schemes for the time being.

The Conniptins were highly amusing in this issue. Their battle cry ends like a pep rally cry and the doctor went on a page long rant like Dr. McCoy from Star Trek. There's also a point where Cerebus gives a speech to his new men and tells them that if they screw up he'll have them flayed alive.

The ending part where Cerebus thinks about what the meaning of life is gives you all you need to know about Cerebus the character. His life is about a bag of gold and ale. Despite usually being the smartest person in the room, he's also extremely simple minded. He has two things in mind and that rules his decision making in every way possible. That's an important thing to remember as the first 100 issues pan out.

Until next time!

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