Monday, January 28, 2013

Cerebus #27

This issue sees Cerebus meeting the McGrew Brothers and faking his own abduction. A good part of the issue is Cerebus playing Diamondback with the McGrews while waiting for the government to work up the ransom. At the end of the issue, Cerebus is betrayed by the McGrews.

The McGrew Brothers are Yosemite Sam parodies. They talk almost exactly like him and are hilarious. They'll hang around as this storyline progresses. They're up there with Elrod and the Roach as my favorite characters in the series.

The concept of this issue is pretty funny. Cerebus faking his own kidnapping put of boredom was really funny. You can tell he's not amused by the life of the rich and famous. The McGrews outsmarting him at the end was a nice little twist and it will be interesting to see how he gets out of this situation. Obviously, Cerebus will lose out on the ransom, he always does.

Until next time!

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