Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Cerebus #22

Elrod is killed by the assassin from the last issue and finds that he can possess the bodies of living people. Cerebus finds out that his barbarian army was easily defeated in Palnu and decides to help out here. They come up with a plan that would allow Weisshaupt to take over the government. This all falls apart when Elrod loses his abilities. Cerebus abandons Weisshaupt as the issue comes to a close.

This issue appears to have slammed the door on about the last 8 issues of Cerebus. His involvement with Palnu seems to be at an end for now and his ambitions of conquest took a serious hit when his army was defeated. I think we're going to head into a three issue arc that has a satire of Man-Thing and then it will be on to High Society where things get really good.

I was a little disappointed that Cerebus' barbarian army was defeated offscreen but I got the feeling that was coming as soon as he got drugged at the end of issue 19.

Poor Cerebus though, he just can't seem to win in life.

Until next time!

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