Thursday, January 24, 2013

Cerebus #23

We pick up with an injured Cerebus after he left Beduin. He finds shelter in a girl's school of some sort. The women kill several unsuspecting soldiers seeking shelter throughout the issue. Cerebus mentions that a whole legion is probably coming through and they've starting making plans to deal with that.

I really loved the art in this issue. It really communicated the mood and atmosphere of this house. It felt cold, lonely and even a little creepy. You just could feel the atmosphere as you read the book. It might help that it was a cold snowy time in the book and it happens to be 1 degree where I live at today. I may just be feeling sympathy pains for the people.

There's a lot of mystery here. Just what is being taught at his school? Why are the women so proficient with weapons? Is the brunette going to try and jump Cerebus' bones before this is all said and done? Like I said, lots of questions. Dave Sim did a really good job keeping the reader with about the same level of understanding as Cerebus. It also has the positive of making the mystery interesting. You really want to read the next issue to get any bits of information that the book is willing to offer up.

Not a lot really happened in this issue but it was an excellent read. A good moody story in the early Cerebus issues.

Until next time!

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